COVID-19 Resource Centre - Tools and resources for workers and employers

In January 2020, a novel (new) coronavirus (COVID-19) was identified as the cause of an outbreak of pneumonia originating in Wuhan, China. The Ontario Ministry of Health indicates that there is evidence of human-to-human transmission of this virus.

The situation continues to evolve, and the Ontario Ministry of Health and Public Health Ontario are closely monitoring the outbreak, conducting surveillance and testing, and providing public health and infection control guidance. The Ontario Ministry of Health has produced Guidance Documents and Directives for a number of health sectors related to COVID-19. Ontario Health has also developed a number of Health System Response Materials, including recommendations for the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

If you think you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or have been in close contact with someone who has it, use Ontario’s self-assessment tool to help determine if you need to seek further care. For the latest information on how to protect yourself, visit and Public Health Ontario.